I hear it all the time from my clients…
They feel invaded by other people’s “stuff.”
And my clients, professional healers and caregivers that so many of them are, feel drained, burned out, overburdened. Too many needs coming at them. Too much highly sensitive perception.
I start doing boundary work with my peeps. We do an exercise where they get to command me to move as close or as far away as their bodies want—no penalties. We take as much time with me coming in if they want…but usually it’s having me go several feet away or…yards…in another room so that they finally feel they have enough S P A C E !! Ahhhh!
Here’s the deal: Yes, as Empaths and HSPs, we love being well-loved (in a healthy way of course). We love having our special beings close-close at the right times and in right amounts.
But we also need S P A C E !
When I do this boundary exercise with my clients, they are amazed that it takes that many feet/yards of distance for their bodies to feel an “Ahhh.” And they struggle with feeling “bad” about that, worried that they seem ungrateful or too distant or are making me feel bad.
No, no, no, not bad at all. We each need to discern what kind of space we need to feel “Ahhhh.” And R-E-S-P-E-C-T (sing it, Aretha!) it.
So my wish for you is that you go explore what S P A C E you need.
And find ways to GIVE IT TO YOURSELF.
If we make plenty of breathing room however we can, we have more resilience for the times when life is crowded.
OK, your homework is to make space—today, tomorrow. It’s the Better Boundaried thing to do.
P.S. Needing some S P A C E in your head and nervous system…and about no time to make it? Make sure that you have downloaded my FREE two guided meditations and the PDF explaining the “what” and “why.”
Then you will also get the first notification when my Build Better Boundaries course opens–a highly interactive opportunity to learn HOW to give yourself S P A C E on a regular basis! Cool, eh? Like fresh air at the top of a mountain!